Chemical Analyses – Laboratory offer

Subject of the analysisAnalytical techniqueName of the methodMethod developed by
2-butoxyethanol GC-FID internal laboratory method
acetic acid HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ge, Hg, K, La, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Re, S, Sb, Se, Si, Sn, Sr, Ta, Ti, Tl, V, W, Zn, Zr ICP-OES internal laboratory method
alcohol and derivatives GC-FID internal laboratory method
allicin HPLC/UV-VIS Polish Pharmacopoeia VIII
allicin derivatives HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
ammonium nitrogen spectrophotometry „Oznaczanie azotu amonowego w wodzie metodą bezpośredniej nessleryzacji” PN-C-04576-4:1994
ammonium nitrogen spectrophotometry „Ammonia Medium Range” Hanna Instruments method for HI 83200 device
ammonium nitrogen titration Behr methodfor S1 device
astaxanthin HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
butyric acid HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
calcium titration internal laboratory method
canthaxanthin HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
carbonate hardness titration internal laboratory method
carvacrol HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
chicory acid HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
chlorides titration „Jakość wody – oznaczanie chlorków. Metoda miareczkowania azotanem srebra w obecności chromianu jako wskaźnika (Metoda Mohr’a)” PN-ISO 9297:1994
chondroitin HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
cinnamaldehyde HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
citicoline HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
citric acid HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
coenzyme Q10 HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
color in APHA scale spectrophotometry internal laboratory method
conductivity conductometry „Jakość wody – oznaczanie przewodności elektrycznej właściwej” PN-EN 27888:1999
cytidine 5′-monophosphate HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
density weight internal laboratory method
density at 20°C weight – pycnometer „Produkty chemii organicznej – Glikol propylenowy i glikol dipropylenowy” PN-C-88012:1999
diethyl ether GC-FID internal laboratory method
diethylene glycol GC-FID internal laboratory method
dry matter weight internal laboratory method
ethanol GC-FID internal laboratory method
eugenol HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
fat and oily substances weight internal laboratory method
fatty acid GC-FID internal laboratory method
fatty acid C4-C24 GC-FID internal laboratory method
fumaric acid HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
gallic acid HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
general hardness titration internal laboratory method
glucosamine HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
glucoside-7-O-luteolin HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
glycerine GC-FID internal laboratory method
identification/identity of the substance FT-IR internal laboratory method
isoflavones HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
L-cysteine HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
magnesium spectrophotometry internal laboratory method
malic acid HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
menthol GC-FID internal laboratory method
methyl methacrylate (MMA) GC-FID internal laboratory method
methyl salicylate GC-FID internal laboratory method
MIB and geosmin GC-FID internal laboratory method
monoammonium glycyrrhizinate HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
nicotine GC-FID internal laboratory method
nitrate nitrogen spectrophotometry „Woda i ścieki – Badanie zawartości związków azotu. Oznaczanie azotu azotanowego metodą kolorymetryczną z salicylanem sodowym” PN-82/C-04576.08
number of yeasts and molds surface inoculation on selective agar medium Mikrobiologia żywności i pasz – horyzontalna metoda oznaczania liczby drożdży i pleśni.   Metoda liczenia kolonii w produktach o aktywności wody wyższej niż 0,95.     PN-ISO 21527-1:2009

particle size analysis DLS, SRS internal laboratory method
pH potentiometry „Jakość wody – oznaczanie pH” PN-EN ISO 10523:2012
phosphates spectrophotometry „Jakość wody – oznaczanie fosforu. Metoda spektrofotometryczna z molibdenianem amonu” PN-EN ISO 6878:2006
pinene GC-FID internal laboratory method
propylene glycol GC-FID internal laboratory method
quercetin HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
refractive index refractometry internal laboratory method
resveratrol HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
saccharose refractometry internal laboratory method
salicin HPLC/UV-VIS Polish Pharmacopoeia VIII
salicylic acid HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
silibinin HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
silicon spectrophotometry „Silica” Hanna Instruments method for HI 83200 device
sodium butyrate HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
soluble protein spectrophotometry internal laboratory method
sorbic acid HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
sugars HPLC/ELSD internal laboratory method
sulphate ash weight „Produkty chemii organicznej – Glikol propylenowy i glikol dipropylenowy” PN-C-88012:1999
thujone GC-FID internal laboratory method
thymol GC-FID internal laboratory method
total iron spectrophotometry „Jakość wody – oznaczanie żelaza. Metoda spektrofotometryczna z 1,10-fenantroliną” PN-ISO 6332:2001
total Kjeldahl nitrogen and raw protein titration internal laboratory method
total number of colony forming units (CFU) deep inoculation in 30ºC Mikrobiologia łańcucha żywnościowego – horyzontalna metoda oznaczania liczby drobnoustrojów.   Oznaczanie liczby metodą posiewu wgłębnego. EN ISO 4833-1:2013
total polyphenols content spectrophotometry internal laboratory method
trans-anethole GC-FID internal laboratory method
vitamin A HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
vitamin B2 HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
vitamin B3 HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
vitamin B5 HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
vitamin B6 HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
vitamin D3 HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
vitamin E HPLC/UV-VIS internal laboratory method
water content coulometric titration – Karl Fischer method internal laboratory method
zinc spectrophotometry internal laboratory method
Analysis set – glycol
acidity titration „Produkty chemii organicznej – Glikol propylenowy i glikol dipropylenowy” PN-C-88012:1999
appearance visual
chlorides visual
density at 20°C weight – pycnometer
distillation range distillation
heavy metals ICP-OES
identification/identity of the substance FT-IR
oxidizing substances titration
propylene glycol GC/FID
reducing substances visual
refractive index refractometry
solubility in water and ethanol visual
sulfates visual
sulphate ash weight
transparency of the solution visual
water content coulometric titration – Karl Fischer method
Analysis set – glycerine
acidity titration European Pharmacopoeia 5.0 – Glycerin EP 01/2005:0496
appearance organoleptic
chlorides visual
color in APHA scale spectrophotometry
density at 20°C weight – pycnometer
esters titration
glycerine and its impurities GC/FID
heavy metals ICP-OES
identification/identity of the substance FT-IR
refractive index refractometry
sugars visual
sulphate ash weight
water content coulometric titration – Karl Fischer method